Harmony 303
Community Choir
Zeleneje zhyto, zelene – Trad Ukrainian folksong
1. Zeyle-ne yeh jhyee ee ee toe ze le-e-e-ne. Khoro she-ee ho-o-osti oo-meh-neh!
Zey le-ne yeh jhyee to jen tsi zhnoo oo-oo-oot. A jhey tee-ee ho-sti-i va-toy doo-oot
Zey le-ne yeh jhyee to jen tsi zhnoo oo-oo-oot. A jhey tee- ee ho-sti va-toy doot
2. Zeyle-ne yeh jhyee ee ee toe ze le-e-e-ne. Khoro she-eeho-o-osti oomeh-neh!
Zeyle-ne yeh jhyee to pree meh jhee ee ee ee. Khoro she ee hosti vee doo she ee
Zeyle-ne yeh jhee to pree meh jhee ee ee. Khoro she ee hosti vee doo she
3. Zeyle-ne yeh jhyee ee ee toe ze le-e-e-ne. Khoro she-eeho-o-osti oomeh-neh!
Zeyle-ne yeh jhyee to shay ovay ay-ay-ays. A jhey tut-si brav-sjar rid oo-vey-es
Ze-le-ne ye zhy-to shey ovay ay ay ays. A-jhe tut-si brav-sjar rid oo-veys
This song is sung as a greeting to honour guests, with bread (for hospitality) and salt (for friendship) presented on an embroidered towel.
1st 2 lines of each verse = Green is the rye, it is green, Fine guests I have with me Rest of the song roughly....The entire family has gathered and is being welcomed with the rye and oats ‘from the soul’.